Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Layout Update & Old Mil Boxcar
I have added the additional curved dead-end to the right of the diagram. The loop in the middle is a reverse loop (brown loop section above) and I have added a terminal track. I also picked up an Atlas Twin Switch and added plastic joiners to the entrances. This will give me the ability to switch terminals and keep the direction of the engine consistent. Here are the updates:
Pretty cool, eh? Yes it is. I can not wait to set up my command center and get all the switches hooked up! If the rain and cold weather keeps up here in Algonquin, I will be getting that accomplished sooner than later.
Now on to the Old Milwaukee boxcar. In my last post, I mentioned that I picked up an old Tyco boxcar for $1 at the show. I also purchased some Old Milwaukee decals (for a lack of a better word) for $3. The decals are like fake tatoos, you soak them in water and then slide them on to the object. I re-painted the boxcar with a flat white paint. Here is how my cheap, custom made Old Milwaukee boxcar turned out:
Prety sweet, huh?! Perfect for Goebbert's Beertown USA. That's it for now. Oh, some good news for Beertown...a hotel and German beer garden is on it's way via eBay. Yeah baby, were getting out the lederhosen and playing polka music! Update soon.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Great Midwest Train Show
The Lionel set above has controllers at each corner. You can run a train yourself!
Monday, March 8, 2010
2010 High Wheeler Train Show
Yes, this past Sunday my daughter and I went to the NMRA sponsored 2010 High Wheeler Model Train Show at Harper College. That is quite a mouthful. It was a two day event featuring displays by numerous model train clubs. From the Boy Scouts to the Chicago Northwest Train Club, there were trains of all shapes and sizes represented. I guess the item I really enjoyed is that the representatives at the show were truly there to showcase the hobby of model railroading to kids. Keep it alive for the young folk. And along the way, they answered questions for the aging train geeks like me who are just getting back into the hobby.
Below are a few highlights of HO scale model train layouts from the show. As mentioned, there were all scales, from N to garden sized, but I am sticking to HO only for this blog.
Example of scenic backdrop panels:Great detailed country railroad crossing:
Didn't think I'd see an HO scale baseball diamond:
It's the Goebbert pumpkin farm!:
Freight cars trucking through the countryside:
Just want to give a shout out to two gentlemen that answered my questions at the show. One was a Boy Scout volunteer and he gave me some insights on using foam to build an underground tunnel. The other gentleman I believe was with the Chicago North West Club and he gave me some tips on laying ballast. Speaking of which, that is my next chore. Will update soon!